Saturday, November 6, 2010

ivf at 28

After much discussion and prayers, we have decided to pursue IVF by December 2011. It's like preparing for a wedding, looking and searching for doctors and IVF Centers not just in Manila but through out Philippines and southeast Asia as well.

I recently turned 27 and my birthday was not a good one. I had birthday blues. I spent my day praying at st. Jude with my very good friend, Luan, (Carlisle's soon to be Godmother) who gladly accepted to accompany me to St. Jude. I don't normally go there, only on few occasions. I just wanted to beg, mostly to get pregnant and finally give birth. A long awaited dream. Girls around my age wishes and dreams of having their own condo's, or dreams on having the grandest vacation but I'm one of the few ones who wishes to be mother.

Patients with the following conditions relatively need IVF:

  • Long Duration of Infertility
  • Advanced maternal age (more than 35 years old)
  • Severe endometriosis
  • Couples that are very infrequently together (e.g. overseas workers)
  • Polycystic ovaries that respond only to high doses of gonadotropins
  • Polycystic ovaries that have an excessive multifollicular response to ovarian stimulation
  • Cancer patients desiring fertility preservation
Ironic isn't it?

Anyway, I know can explain my infertility. As Repro Optima Cebu mentioned, i only respond to high doses of gonadrophins. So this may be a very long journey but I am willing to take it.