Friday, August 23, 2013

Update: You are now 7 months

Im sorry my twins for not being keen on writing since I had been so lazy and well, i dont have much access on internet since we are now living in Alabang since you got home from the hospital. But I do manage to update your baby books:)

@ 7 months, Gianna can crawl on her belly, loves to eat and can sleep longer, got hospitalized at Binan doctors, laughs and plays with Carlyle (loves to grab toys around the house) can sit in a walker, cries when we clean her nose, can intake 5 oz of milk. Loves to eat Marie biscuits etc

Carlyle can turn from side to side, rest on his tummy, loves to thumbsuck, is a self soother (can put himself to sleep), loves to eat breadsticks, laughs and plays with his mouth making rain